Art College after Repin, Chisinau, Moldova.
Stroganov Art University, Moscow, Russia.
1984 National Exhibition dedicated to the 60th Anniversary of Moldova. Chisinau, Moldova.
1984 Moldavian Art Exhibition, Central Artists House, Moscow.
1987 Autumn Art Festival, Chisinau.
1988 International Young Artists Exhibition, Manezh, Moscow.
1990 Group Exhibition, Young Moldavian Art, Sicily, Italy.
1991 Group Exhibition, Collections of Sphinx Gallery, Strasbourg, France.
1991 Moldavian Artists at XVII Cinema Festival, Cinema Center, Moscow.
1993 The Art Myth 93 Exhibition, Manezh, Moscow.
1994 Solo Exhibition. Arts Center, Clouzhe-Napoka, Romania.
1997 Group Exhibition, Limba Noastra, Chisinau.
1998 Group Exhibition Sphinx Gallery, Chisinau.
1999 Solo Exhibition, Coral Art Gallery, Chisinau.
2000 Solo exhibition, National Art Museum of Moldova, Chisinau.
2001 Solo exhibition, National Art Gallery of Moldova, Bender.
2001 Solo exhibition, Teraspoli.
2001 Solo exhibition, Die, France.
2002 Ferrara International Art Biennale, Italy, First award winner.
2002 Group Exhibition, Sekanina Gallery , Ferrara, Italy.
2002 Forli Art Salon, Italy.
2003 Group Exhibition, Connoisseurs Gallery, Paris.
2003 Solo Exhibition, "Incubi e Sogni", Diapazon Art Gallery, Naples, Italy
2004 London Art Fair 2004.
2005 Solo exhibition. Coral Art Gallery, Chisinau.
2007 Solo exhibition "L'immaginario corporeo" Gallery "Studio d' Arte Croma" Rome.
2007 Group Exhibition. Gallery "BNP Paribas" Troyes, France.
2013 Group Exhibition. Temporary Gallery, Berlin.
2015-2021 Group Exhibitions in Kyiv
2022 Group Exhibition. Chatillon-en-Diois'
2022 Salon d'autemne. Paris
Public сollections:
National Art Museum of Moldova, Chishinau
Museum of Art, Makhachkala, Russia
Holocaust Museum, Los Angeles, USA
Private сollections of America and Europe
Born at 1956 in Kyiv. Lived in Chisinau until 2013. Now lives and works in Kyiv .